Kvůli Mattovi a Radeovi a jiným trotlům, kteří neremcali tak moc, z toho teď tady bude svatyně klidu, harmonie a Deus Ex... chjo, já doufala že tohle přestane u ME tématu...
K, teď když tu máme chlívek, tak bych asi měla něco postnout.
Slowpokeózně jsem našla tohle video, kde Elias Toufexis (voiceactor Jensena) hraje DE:HR a je kinda amazing slyšet Jensena a Jensena "I'm like the only persone who can add lines to this game while playing it. I mean watch this. Ehm Ehm. Shutup Megan." YouTube Video
to by byl dobrej materiál do Source movie makeru na ňákou nehorázně pitomou DE prkotinu kde Jensen mele bullshit "That was my lunch. Megan, you dropped my lunch. Wait, isn't that the guy from Splinter cell? Oh my I wanna be Batman. But no nipples. In fact they shaved Christian Bale's real nipples. We called it killing Jar Jar. We are friends. For two minutes. I met him on the way here. I never smile. Wait, oh shit, Igot only two bullets left. Why the hell have I brought a tranquilizer rifle, they are shooting real bullets at me... I once opened a door and hit my daughter in the face. Tat was a non-augmented takedown."
Ty lidi maj ve videích spoustu super lidí, whooo, mám co dělat
Upravil/a Mopidu dne 09.04.2015 11:57
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