Název novinky: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Česká fansite :: Q-Kámen na Kámeni

Přidal Belo dne 10.06.2012 19:28

Doniesol som do cechu zlodejov jeden kamen a Vex to nechce prijať lebo tam chybajú daľšie kúsky..(Barenzini kámeny) neviete kde by som ich mohol nájsť ?...24 potrebujem..asi viete aký to je quest...

Přidal Chell dne 10.06.2012 19:32

trochu zapáraj na fóre už to tu niekde je ja ich nacádzam hlave v jarlových izbách a bol tiež v jednom dungeone tam ležal. proste preskúmavaj skyrim a maj oči otvorené ;)

Přidal Belo dne 10.06.2012 19:38

Skyrim je veľký a keď mám všade hľadať tak ma asi drbne :D......keď bude niekto vedieť tak nech sem napíše :)..Díki

Přidal Mopidu dne 10.06.2012 19:55

Ale ty šutráky jsou fakt na každým rohu (jeden je v Arch-mage quarters)

Přidal Hurty dne 10.06.2012 19:57

Kolik vám za ten Q dá?...

Přidal Belo dne 10.06.2012 20:00

neviem koľko dá...:D.....ale keby ste sem dali niečo také kde sa nachádzajú kde mám hladať...celý skyrim zbytočne nebudem ničiť kvôli 24 šutrom :D...

Přidal Diego dne 10.06.2012 21:31

Tu jsou:

↓"/ Location
↓"/ Notes
1 Whiterun Whiterun Catacombs. In the first room, go down the left stairs and it will be to your left, next to a skeleton. The catacombs are located within the Hall of the Dead.
2 Whiterun† Dragonsreach, the Jarl's bedroom.
3 Whiterun† Jorrvaskr's living quarters, on the bookshelf in Kodlak's room.
4 Solitude† Blue Palace, Jarl's bedroom.
5 Solitude Proudspire Manor. Buy the house or pickpocket the Fletcher's Solitude Key.
6 Riften† Mistveil Keep, Jarl's bedroom.
7 Windhelm† Palace of the Kings Upstairs. Take the first door to the left upon entering, then find Wuunferth's room at the end of the hall.
8 Windhelm House of Clan Shatter-Shield, on a bookshelf in the room to the left of the top of the stairs.
9 Markarth† The Treasury House, in an end table in Thonar's bedroom, which is down the hall on the left from when you enter the front door. You may need to pick an apprentice-level door, but no one reacts.
10 Markarth† Understone Keep's Dwemer Museum, on a table in the first room to the left. Note: Do not go into the museum after completing the quest Hard Answers until you have finished the quest Darkness Returns. See the Hard Answers quest page for details.
11 College of Winterhold† Arch-Mage's Quarters. Access may be gained at the end of the quest Under Saarthal.
12 Dead Crone Rock On the stone altar opposite a Dragon Word Wall.
13 Black-Briar Lodge East of Riften. The gem is in the top floor bedroom, next to the bed.
14 Ansilvund Northeast of Shor's Stone and due north of Riften.
15 Stony Creek Cave Just north of the Ansilvund Burial Chambers, on the table in the last room.
16 Rannveig's Fast After falling down the trapdoor, in front of the chest and Dragon Word Wall.
17 Fellglow Keep Northeast of Whiterun. Head straight up the stairs and to the right.
18 Dainty Sload Ship along the coast northeast of Solitude, in the last room on the table.
19 Sunderstone Gorge On the table with two bodies in front of the Dragon Word Wall.
20 Yngvild The island northeast of Dawnstar. The gem is in the bedroom behind the throne in Yngvild Throne room.
21 Hob's Fall Cave On the northern coast, directly between Dawnstar and Winterhold. The gem is near the alchemy set.
22 Reeking Cave or Thalmor Embassy After patch 1.4, inside Reeking Cave and next to a corpse in the back. Prior to patch 1.4, the stone is located in the Thalmor Embassy in Elenwen's Solar on the second floor.
23 Pinewatch Bandit's Sanctuary In a house west of Helgen, there is a secret hideout accessible from the basement. The gem is found in a locked room in the Bandit's Sanctuary.
24 Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary On the dresser in Astrid's room. It is still accessible after the Death Incarnate quest.

Přidal Belo dne 10.06.2012 21:33

Diego zase si ma zachránil od hľadania ! :D...Like a Boss-Diego :)

Přidal Diego dne 10.06.2012 21:46

Já je nikdy nehledal(nenasbíral jsem všechny), protože mám peněz dost a je to jediný quest který ve Skyrimu nemám dokončený. Kromě těch samo-generujících.

Přidal clown333 dne 11.06.2012 12:15

konecne si to aj ja spravim ...:D diky

Přidal martin228 dne 11.06.2012 14:23

mne sa to nikdy nechcelo :D

Přidal clown333 dne 11.06.2012 20:18

a komu by sa chcelo hladat 24 kamenov ?? :D
asi sibnutemu zlodejovi ....(teda ja)

Přidal Chell dne 11.06.2012 20:23

ani ja som ich nikdy nehladala :D

Přidal Mopidu dne 11.06.2012 20:27

Já je nehledala a mám jich 12 :P Jsem v půlce

Přidal Chell dne 11.06.2012 20:28

podobne :D

Přidal Belo dne 11.06.2012 22:22

Kto by nevedel niečo nájsť tak tu :)
