Název novinky: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Česká fansite :: Naštvaní šedovousí

Přidal BadWolf dne 01.04.2012 22:49

amatervserii napsal:
Já sem ho nechal žít do 72 lvl.Pak jsem nevěděl co dělat tak jsem našel všechny slova,rozloučil se snim a ranou MACE OF MOLAG BAL jsem ho poslal za Aldoušem.

Sithis chtěl jeho smrt. HAIL SITHIS!!! I AM SITHIS!!!!!!

No... No... No. You're not the Sithis. Sithis is are dread father. I am the Listener, blessed by the Sithis. I am successor of Lucien Lachance and The Black Hand. I have been choosed to execute your execution... And the Sithis whispers in my ear. You don't know anything about the Dark Brotherhood. We are family. And you are us "annoying neighbor". Night Mother says "Goodbye".