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Přidal hRDLA dne 27.10.2012 12:35

Nové informace o Rome 2 Total War:

-There will be catapult ships, which are useful in cities, especially attacks
-Parts of the Army can be a subordinate to General Kl
-The size of the available armies depends on the manpower
-A little city can not therefore have countless armies, but only as many as the people they have
-The research of Empire, Rome II is replaced by cultural projects


-Rome II will offer much more diversity units than Shogun II
-Barbarian tribes of northern Europe should play as differently desert peoples
-From the beginning, shall all the nations be playable
-We have about 50 different factions planned
-All the groups may have different buildings and tech trees
-In addition to different political levels, and audio issues


-The strategy map is enlarged to the east
-On the strategy map, there will be much more individual provinces and cities than in Rome
-Provinces will henceforth consist of several regions and their capitals
-One of those cities will then be the province's capital
-A province can therefore have multiple owners
-The einzelen regions of a province may therefore vary widely and profitably be developed
-Construction projects can still set individually for each city
-The length of a round is not known yet


-For the first time there will be a combined naval and land battles
-It can combat ships, while on land the troops and rush to each other
-Ships can also attack without an army to take coastal cities and
-In addition, it is experimenting with navigable rivers
-In town battles, there are now several control points that can be taken
-How much control should be taken, so is the city, is not known yet
-The level of detail in the battles was raised
-For example, buildings detailed destroy
-For a better overview, the player can zoom far from the action and command everything in a kind of top view


-Legions will develop their own character with their own abilities


-The developers want to include celebrities such as Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, or Sulla into play
-It should be not only a military leader, but special characters that appear in some events
-We will now give all the event-chains, so that decisions made long-term effects and require further decisions
-These events are to maintain the historic flavor and can be triggered only if certain preconditions
-There will be no three-division of the Roman faction
-Rivalries take place in the overall Roman faction
-Rebel generals who would like to become emperor, so draw against Rome
-In addition, for example, the player decide if he wants to be a tyrant or the Republic of prescribing
-All fractions will have a political system, including intrigue
-Political decisions of other groups are now justified by text messages, so the player knows why the opponents do this and that
-The fighting strength of the common history and will have an impact on the political decisions of the AI