Název novinky: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Česká fansite :: Skyrim Nejede

Přidal Ciniminis dne 22.05.2012 18:30

Skoušel sem to co si my poradil v složce data nemám žádné mody smazal sem to v dokumentech My games Skyrim... Zase chci dát new game čekám dlouho a nakonec to spadne :/ ještě skusím to co my radil JC666 ale jinak pak nevím :/ ale díky za rady :F A ještě sem našel v té složce toto kdo nwm co to je :F ale bylo to v textáči "gameoverlayrender" Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Module file name: C:\Program Files\Steam\GameOverlayRenderer.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - GameID = 440
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - System page size: 4096
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Failed loading shell32.dll, not hooking ShellExecute calls
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Hooking SetCursorPos, GetCursorPos, ShowCursor, and SetCursor
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Hooking GetRawInputBuffer calls
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Modules at GameOverlayRenderer.dll attach
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 01: hl2.exe
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 02: ntdll.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 03: kernel32.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 04: KERNELBASE.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 05: USER32.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 06: GDI32.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 07: LPK.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 08: USP10.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 09: msvcrt.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 10: IMM32.DLL
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 11: MSCTF.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 12: GameOverlayRenderer.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 13: ADVAPI32.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 14: sechost.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 15: RPCRT4.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - 16: ole32.dll
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - ----------------------------
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Found GetModuleHandleEx
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Game is using D3D9 or D3D9Ex, preparing to hook.
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - hookDirect3DCreate9Ex called
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - Game is using dinput.dll (dinput7), preparing to hook.
Sun May 20 11:55:42 2012 UTC - DirectInputCreateW hook called
Sun May 20 11:55:46 2012 UTC - IWrapIDirect3D9Ex::CreateDevice hook called (type: 1, behavior flags: 56!)
Sun May 20 11:55:47 2012 UTC - Trying to setup input hook...
Sun May 20 11:55:47 2012 UTC - Set input hook...
Sun May 20 11:55:57 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (10 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:55:59 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (12 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:01 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (14 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:03 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (16 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:05 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (18 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:08 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (20 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:10 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (22 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:12 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (24 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:14 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (26 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:16 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (29 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:18 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (31 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:20 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (33 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:22 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (35 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:24 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (37 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:26 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (39 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:28 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (41 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:30 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (43 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:32 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (45 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:34 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (47 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:36 2012 UTC - Disabling overlay for 2 seconds (49 seconds since last frame was seen)
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Releasing all resources for device: 0FFE5840
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - DeleteD3D9Renderer called for: 0FFE5840
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Detaching input hook...
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - Found a hooked function in now unloaded module, removing from map.
Sun May 20 11:56:38 2012 UTC - GameOverlayRenderer.dll detaching

Upravil/a Ciniminis dne 22.05.2012 18:39