Název novinky: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Česká fansite :: Naprosto nezávazná a nekonečná konverzace: Dějství sedmé

Přidal Mopidu dne 16.03.2015 20:30

hRDLA napsal:
Kayne West on his epic Quest :D

Achjo matte....

this needs to be done...


The Ballad of Kanye West


This is a ballad of Kanye West
on his epic quest!
In his green vest Kanye West
went to test his zest and jest
by finding the triforce chest
with his shield with the hylian crest!
And once this quest falls off of his chest
(I mean the breast, not the wooden chest!)
he will return to his nest where he's gonna rest!
Cause he is the best!



Upravil/a Mopidu dne 16.03.2015 20:33